Creighton Lodge

Since July 1st, 2010 Creighton Lodge has been owned and operated by five Rural Municipalities; The R.M. of Estevan No.5, the R.M. of Benson No.35, the R.M. of Cymri No.36, the R.M. of Coalfields No.4 and the R.M. of Cambria No.6. The City of Estevan also sits on the management board.
Creighton Lodge is an Assisted Living Facility that provides safe, affordable housing for the seniors of Southeast Saskatchewan. With the assistance of the R.M.’s, Creighton Lodge enriches the lives of the seniors who independently reside at the lodge by providing a socially invigorating environment that nurtures each resident spiritually, nutritionally while ensuring they live in a secure home.
Creighton Lodge boasts a caring staff of 14 which includes a full-time maintenance personnel and a manager. The lodge has 47 suites and currently has 50 residents. There are five types of suites; 18 suites are Enriched Living suites that include all of the meals, 22 suites are one-bedroom suites with full kitchens, 5 suites are one bedroom with a den and 2 suites are bachelor suites. We have a dining room that caters to our residents’ nutritional needs and we serve an average of 80 meals each day.
Creighton Lodge has a Trust Committee that consists of a representative from each RM, the City of Estevan and a member at large. The trust committee has formed a relationship with the United Way Estevan and is a member agency. United Way Estevan has assisted Creighton Lodge Trust to complete many projects over the years and to also bring special events to enrich the lives of the senior citizens in Southeast Saskatchewan. The Day of Caring that United Way Estevan hosts each year is also an important part of the exterior maintenance and gardening program at the Lodge.
Creighton Lodge relies on volunteers within our activity and musical programs. United Way Estevan ensures that we have the supplies needed to carry out these programs and to recognize our valued volunteers. Our volunteers dedicate many hours to our programs and we appreciate them!
For more information please contact Shelly Veroba at 306-634-4154.