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Updated: Feb 20


Applications from communities must be postmarked on or before February 28, 2025. 

Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.



or drop it off at 1 - 322 4th Street, Estevan


The Sask Lotteries Community Grant Program is a partnership among Sask Sport,

SaskCulture and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association. The grant program

assists in the development of sport, culture and recreation programs by providing funds to

non-profit community organizations operated by volunteers.


The Sask Lotteries Community Grant Program is guided by the following:

  • It provides access to sport, culture and recreation activities for all Saskatchewan people

  • regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, economic status, physical or mental ability.

  • It provides funds to community non-profit volunteer organizations in support of sport,

  • culture and recreation programs.

  • It allows communities to establish local priorities.

  • It stipulates that all participating groups, from administration to beneficiary, are

  • responsible for ensuring complete and accurate accounting.



Who is eligible?

First Nation band councils, northern settlements and municipal governments (city, town, village, organized hamlet or rural municipality) are eligible to apply. These authorities distribute funds to local non-profit volunteer community groups to provide programs.


How are eligible amounts determined?

Grant amounts are determined by population. The minimum grant is $250. Inter-community cooperation is extremely important in the development of effective programs. Funds can be allocated to another jurisdiction in order to enhance access to high-quality programs as long as no outstanding grants exist. (Ex. The Village of A is 20 km from the Town of B. A and B can pool funding to provide one program for both centres. Authorities receiving funds from another centre must acquire the signature of a mayor/reeve/chief of the other authority.)



The goal of the program is to get people involved in sport, culture and recreation activities by enabling communities to address the needs of local residents. A portion of the total grant must be used for programs aimed at increasing participation for under-represented populations within your community. Examples include indigenous people, seniors, women, youth at risk, economically disadvantaged, persons with a disability and single-parent families.

The under-represented requirement can be met by including under-represented populations in regular programs and/or by creating special programs to meet their needs. Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation



Expenditures must be directly related to the delivery of a sport, culture or recreation program.

  • To be eligible, the Application Form must be signed by a bonded authorized officer of the

    community (mayor, reeve, chief, municipal / band administrator).

  • Follow-ups verifying project expenditures must be submitted (see Follow-up Process for details).

  • Communities receiving a grant of more than $2,000 are required to identify in the follow-up report that a minimum of 30 per cent of the grant was used to support programs directed at under-represented populations.

  • Evidence of the direct involvement of under-represented populations in the planning,

    operating and evaluating of activities to be supported by the grant must be included in the Follow-up Report.

  • Communities are responsible to ensure that appropriate liability and participant’s insurance is in place for events sponsored/funded by the Community Grant Program.

  • Groups receiving grants must publicly acknowledge Sask Lotteries within their activities.


The program is designed to provide funding for sport, culture and recreation programs.

Therefore, the following expenditures are INELIGIBLE for grants:

  • Construction, renovation, retrofit and repairs to buildings/facilities (includes fixing doors,

  • shingling roofs, flooring, moving/hauling dirt, etc.)

  • Property taxes, insurance

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Per Diems / Day Money

  • Food or food related costs (this includes catering supplies, coffee pots, coffee, BBQs, etc.)

  • Membership fees in other lottery-funded organizations

  • Prizes, cash, gifts, awards, honorariums, trophies, plaques and badges

  • Out-of-province activities and travel

  • Donations

  • Subsidization of wages for full-time employees. NOTE: Eligible employment expenditures

  • must be no more than 35 hours a week and no more than 90 days in a grant period (or

  • 455 hours)

  • Uniforms or personal items such as sweatbands and hats

  • Other expenses that the Sask Lotteries Trust Fund may deem inappropriate


  • In addition to eligible programming expenses, operation costs of facilities that are directly related to a program are eligible for 25 per cent of the total grant received for each program up to a maximum of $500 per program (including cleaning staff). Communities receiving a grant of $2,000 or less will not be limited to 25 per cent of the grant; however, non-operational program costs are encouraged to enhance programming.

  • Fireworks are eligible for 25 per cent of the total grant received for each program to a maximum of $500 per program. Communities receiving a grant of $2,000 or less will not be limited to 25 per cent of the grant; however, other program costs are encouraged to enhance programming.



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#1, 322-4th Street
Estevan, SK
S4A 0T8


(306) 634-2222


(306) 634-2223


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