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Tree PlanterThe R.M. of Estevan has a tree planter in which ratepayers may borrow. Please contact the R.M. office to book a date and make arrangements for pick up. An indemnity agreement must also be signed prior to using the tree planter.
Fire/PolicingFire The R.M. of Estevan has an agreement with the Estevan Fire Department for the entire R.M. The Fire Department responds to fire calls in the municipality. When the Fire Department responds to a fire, all costs are associated with their response and charged to the land owner. Fire Fighting Insurance The Estevan Fire Department would like to remind everyone to make sure that they have the appropriate Fire Fighting Insurance, the fire chief recommends that you have at least $50,000.00 fire fighting coverage. The average fire fighting costs can range from $1,200.00 to upwards of $20,000.00. Contact your local insurance broker for more information. Controlled Burns We would like to remind everyone that when you are undertaking any controlled burning on your property that you contact the call centre 1-866-404-4911. This will ensure that the proper channels are notified and no fire fighting costs will occur for having the Fire Department dispatched to a false alarm. Learn More Policing The Estevan detachment of the RCMP provides the services and resources needed for the R.M. of Estevan, as well as the surrounding areas and strive to maintain a safe community. If you suspect any criminal activity occurring in the R.M. please contact the RCMP at (306) 637-4400. Emergency/Police/Fire/Ambulance - 911
Pest and Weed ControlRats The R.M. of Estevan No. 5 employs a Pest Control Officer who makes visits to locations throughout the municipality in the spring and fall. If you are aware of a rat problem, please notify the municipal office as soon as possible. Pest Control Officer- Randy Walbaum Gophers The council of the R.M. of Estevan No. 5 recognizes the importance of assisting with the control of gophers. The R.M strives to make gopher poison available for sale at the R.M. office. Noxious Weeds Leafy Spurge, Absinthe Wormwood and other noxious weeds are an on-going problem in the R.M. Our Weed Inspector sprays for weeds on road allowances, as well as providing custom work when available. If you are aware of the location of leafy spurge; absinthe wormwood, scentless chamomile or other noxious weeds, please call the municipal office at 306-634-2222. For more information, please click here.
Dust ControlPlease be advised that the R.M. of Estevan No. 5 will continue to offer dust control in the form of magnesium chloride for the 2024 season. Council has opted to offer two applications of the dust suppressant for our Ratepayers. As per the R.M. of Estevan’s Policy, the first application will be subsidized at a cost of $300.00 for the standard 500 foot application. Anything over and above the standard 500 feet, will be charged at the full cost of the product.The R.M. will be providing gravel (if necessary), equipment and manpower to apply. Should you decide to receive the second application, you will be responsible for paying the full cost of the product. The application rate of a typical 500 foot site is 1,500L at $0.43/litre (Tax Included) for a cost of $645.00. Please indicate (initial) in Section 3 of the enclosed application if you wish to receive the second application. If this is not initialled you will not receive the application. If you are interested in dust control, please fill out the enclosed form, together with payment and return it to the Municipal office NO LATER than May 1st, 2024. As per RM policy, applications received after the May 1st deadline will be charged at the full product cost. We understand that everyone is busy, however, these deadlines are important for the sufficient supply and coordination of the product, as well as for our Public Works staff to efficiently perform the necessary road preparation prior to application. PLEASE NOTE: This will be the final year the R.M. will be providing written correspondence regarding dust control. The R.M. would like to encourage everyone to sign up for H2Notify to stay updated on all programs offered by the RM of Estevan. Information can also be found on our website as well as our Facebook page. If you have any questions please contact the Municipal Office at (306) 634-2222 or
Shelterbelt Tree ProgramImportant Links: Shand Greenhouse HELP International Shelterbelt Centre
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